Heartwood’s Public Waldorf program follows a developmental approach and therefore has different requirements for minimum age in each grade level that works as a group at the resource center. Any students participating in this program will be admitted to the following grades determined by the ages and dates listed below.
Heartwood has the right to refuse admission to the resource center group programs to any child whose birth date falls outside of the age requirements of each grade level.
Grades are determined by the ages and dates listed below.
Beginning Kindergarten: 5 years old between June 2nd and December 2nd of the school year for which the applicant is seeking enrollment
Kindergarten: 5 years or older by June 1st, prior to the school year for which the applicant is seeking enrollment
First Grade: 6 years or older by June 1 prior to the school year for which the applicant is seeking enrollment
Second Grade: 7 years or older by June 1 prior to the school year for which the applicant is seeking enrollment
Third Grade: 8 years or older by June 1 prior to the school year for which the applicant is seeking enrollment
Fourth Grade: 9 years or older by June 1 prior to the school year for which the applicant is seeking enrollment
Fifth Grade: 10 years or older by June 1 prior to the school year for which the applicant is seeking enrollment
Sixth Grade: 11 years or older by June 1 prior to the school year for which the applicant is seeking enrollment
Seventh Grade: 12 years or older by June 1 prior to the school year for which the applicant is seeking enrollment
Eighth Grade: 13 years or older by June 1 prior to the school year for which the applicant is seeking enrollment