Why choose Heartwood Homeschool?
- K-12th grade independent study program, tuition-free homeschool.
- Local, grassroots charter that believes in a personal approach to supporting alternative education
- Sonoma based resource center – with a variety of free classes for Heartwood students
- A robust schedule of local field trips
- Funding for educational support that can be used on materials and services
- Extensive parent-driven vendor list
- Community building opportunities through special events, resource center activities, and field trips.
- Local CA Credentialed Support Teachers (CSTs) selected to best serve and support each family’s specific educational interests
- Wide range of whole child home school educational paths including unschooling, self-directed study, traditional and Waldorf.
- We are building a local homeschooling community and invite you to join us.
- Parents are a part of shaping the support and classes you want to see offered for your children.
- We work closely with our list of approved vendors and are adding new vendors daily. If you would like for us to get a vendor approved please fill out the form on Our Community page.
- Stay Local – Choose Heartwood
As an integral member of your student’s team, your CST will:
- provide you with support when needed in your curriculum choices
- manage your use of funds for your child’s curriculum
- keep you posted of upcoming field trips and other community-building activities
- inform you of resource center updates
- keep track of your learner’s academic progress
Families who choose Heartwood Charter School to Homeschool their children agree to:
- engage in learning activities during every instructional day with exceptions given for illness
- work with their CST to ensure your learner is making appropriate academic progress throughout the school year
- meet with their learner’s CST once every 20 instructional days. At this meeting families will provide the CST with
- a signed attendance log for the previous 20 instructional days
- one work samples (for TK-8th grade) OR one work sample per subject for high school students.
- periodic PE logs as designated by the CST.
- have their student take the state standardized tests at the end of the school year
High School
For students in grades 9th‐12th, Heartwood allows for students to choose courses based on academic, career, and personal interests. The graduation requirements help students prepare to enter the workforce, attend university, or enter military service directly after high school. The Heartwood graduation requirements allow students to have greater flexibility in the classes they take and allow students to explore individual interests. The curricula will be designed as a collaborative effort between the parents and the teachers.
Students enrolled in Heartwood’s Independent Home Study Programs are eligible to receive a contributory stipend to support teacher approved enrichment classes and curriculum materials. Vendors interested in providing services to Heartwood students must be approved by Heartwood prior to working with students. Heartwood will make every endeavor to approve vendors that provide reputable services in a variety of disciplines, including fine art, music, sports and tutoring. Product vendors may offer items such as books, art supplies, and supplemental education materials.
Heartwood Charter School supports student choice and flexibility within their schedule. To that end, we will develop an approved vendor list. Vendors consist of businesses that may provide services such as instruction in fine art, music, sports, as well as general instruction and tutoring. Product vendors may offer items such as books, art supplies, and supplemental educational materials or supplies such as paper, pencils, ink and technology. Approved vendor information will be available from Heartwood, and families can search for specific vendors and place their order requests. In order for a vendor to become approved, our vendor.