Leadership Team

Heartwood is graced with an inspired leadership team comprised of experienced educational professionals and passionate community members.  They help hold and craft the creative impulse that forms the core of Heartwood's mission.


"To lead people, walk beside them."
~ Lao Tsu


We believe that leadership is an act of service.  We, as leaders, model the growth and openness we want to foster in our community.  We embrace a wealth of possibilities, choosing to see education as a living paradigm evolving to meet the needs of present day children and their families.  We are inspired by the community that is Heartwood. We believe that the heart, as well as the mind, has a place at the helm of education. We actively choose to embrace the unique talents of each member of our community.  We lead through their grace and create our own by combining our individual histories to encompass and support the tremendous journey of each child in our care.

We dare to collaborate.  We fearlessly applaud the brilliance of the other. For we strive to be our best selves, unique and wonderful and we thrill at seeing others grow.

We have a powerful potential in our youth, and we must have the courage to change old ideas and practices so that we may direct their power toward good ends. ~ Mary McLeod Bethune